Thursday, September 6, 2007


I have very sore muscles today - from (field) hockey training last night and then from Bodypump this morning. Guess it's all good for me!

Tomorrow I intend to get back on the treadmill and continue working my way back up to the 32 mins I was managing before my little break in routine. Last week, I managed 15 mins of intervals so I definitely need to work on my running. Tomorrow I will aim at 20 mins - depending on the state of my legs :-)

What's everyone else doing? Got a fitness plan for the weekend, or taking it easy after a busy week?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Overcoming urges

I really did not want to get out of bed this morning :0) But I did, and made it to the gym again. I did 30 mins on the x-trainer and then some weights - leg press, chin-ups and barbell rows. I need to work on my full-body rows everyday but the machine was busy all the time I was there. Tomorrow...

It's not too bad getting up early in the summer months when it's light outside but I hate it in the winter when it's cold and dark and my brain says it's the middle of the night. Any tips for solving this problem? I find that much as I hate mornings, it's better to get the exercise over and done with, otherwise I talk myself out of it during the day and just head home after work....lazy!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Back with a vengence!

After a few weeks break I got back to the gym this week. I organised a session with my personal trainer on Sunday and that really hurt a lot - in a good way :-) We did some weights and some circuits-type stuff, and some boxing. I like the boxing as it really gets my heart going. It's hard work though, especially when I'm already tired.

This morning I got back into the gym before work. I did 30 mins cycling (about 12km) and then some weights and core work. I am aching now though.

Gotta get back into the routine. As my PT said, I've spent far too much time and money on her to let things slide now!

Friday, August 31, 2007


I'm sore! Is anyone else sore? Being sore motivates me to keep working out, because I know that I have been working hard. I also know that it will get better in about a week and instead of sornesss I will feel rejuvenated from my workouts.

Does soreness motivate you or not? Why?

Thursday Workout: Jullian Michaels video. DONE!!!
Friday Workout: Two mile run and 10 stair sprints.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

2 miles

I did it. I finally got back to running. It has been a three month hiatus due to moving twice in the past three months.

The route I took yesterday was suggested by a friend. This friend walks the route. I can see why. The very begining of the route is straight up hill for nearly 3/4 of a mile. It made me huff and puff like the little engine that could. However, getting to the top of the hill was thrilling. There is a beautiful over look of LA and surrounding cities. I stopped to enjoy the pink and purple sunset, mountains, and twinkling city lights. i didn't stop for too long though, I didn't want to lower my heart rate.

The way back was much easier. There was only a slight uphill and then going down the evil hill, I had climbed earlier. I love going down hill. I get to open up my stride and feel like a track star!

At the very end of the route I stopped and did sprinted 2 flights of stairs outside my apartment complex. I would have loved to go to ten, but I had a blister on my hill and it burst. Ouch! Maybe friday.

Goals: Plyometrics video on Thursday. 2 mile run and 10 stair sprints on Friday.


It worked! :-) And I even managed to add new authors successfully!

Anyway, my update for now is that this week I have managed to drag myself back into the gym (after a couple of weeks laziness) and I also attended my Bodypump class this morning. I am working on getting my gym performances back to where I was before holidays/laziness kicked in.

I need to work on getting my diet back on track and get back to monitoring what I eat since that seems to help me concentrate on it. At least I went shopping for fruit yesterday so breakfast was better this morning, and I have stuff to snack on at work.

Speaking of which, it must be nearly lunchtime here and Bodypump always make me STARVING!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I made it here! I cant believe it. I am SO not techy. I even had an account who knew?
